The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, "the only constant in life is change". This quote is very relevant to today's workplace environment. The research shows that today, Canadians will hold an average of 15 jobs in their lifetime. And it is no longer uncommon to change career paths as well as jobs; access to education and specialized programs makes changing industries or professions easier than ever before. If you are considering a career change or even exploring options for volunteer work or to plan for your retirement, interest and personality assessments may be helpful for you. This process will not make decisions for you, but will provide you with an opportunity for additional insight and reflection, as you plan for the future.
TLM Career Pathways offers a flexible program based on individual needs, however, the starting point is a three part programme.
The first meeting is a 'get-to-know-you' session - we want to know our clients' likes & dislikes, what they've done in the past, and what they may be thinking about doing in the future.
Career and personality assessments may be beneficial and can be delivered online between the first and second meeting or in some cases, in person. We only use internationally renowned assessment tools, such as the Strong Interest Inventory®, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, and Personality Dimensions®.
In the second meeting, we will discuss the assessment interpretations relative to your needs, whether it is to facilitate job change or understand your interests (helpful for those who are considering retirement).
In the third meeting, we work on a personalized action plan. Some individuals will choose to follow their own plan at this time, or may benefit from continued sessions as they progress through the action items.
If the objective is to prepare for a job search, we can also discuss career essentials, such as resume and portfolio building, networking and social media presence.