The transition from high school to post-secondary education is a major life event and can be simultaneously exciting and daunting. Graduating students may be unsure of what they want to do. And that's okay; they are young, may have limited work experience, and simply not yet determined the direction they want to pursue. Yet, they apply to college or university months before they even complete high school. Many students feel under immense pressure to make these decisions. The Youth in Transition Survey (YITS, 2011) from Statistics Canada revealed that about 14 per cent of first-year students drop out of their university program. It is important that students feel prepared and supported as they embark on this important journey in their lives. Working with a career practitioner may be beneficial in helping them build the confidence that will help them succeed, regardless of the path they take. This process is not to make any educational or career decisions for the student, but to assist them in their self-discovery, so they can make the best decisions for themselves.
For new college or university graduates, the job market is tough and this process can also be helpful in exploring different options, ideally leading them to a rewarding career in their field of interest.
TLM Career Pathways offers a flexible program based on individual needs, however, for students, our usual format is a three part programme.
The first meeting is a 'get-to-know-you' session - we want to know our clients' likes & dislikes, what they've done in the past, and what they may be thinking about doing in the future.
Career and personality assessments may be beneficial and the student will take these in their own relaxed environment between the first and second meeting. We only use internationally renowned assessment tools, such as the Strong Interest Inventory® and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®.
In the second meeting, we will discuss the assessment interpretations and what that means to the student.
In the third meeting, we work on a personalized action plan.
Outside of the above, we can also further discuss career essentials, such as resume and portfolio building, networking and social media presence.